Albert Einstein – Anglický podcast 10

Albert Einstein was a famous scientist.  Albert Einstein byl slavný vědec.  He was born in Germany in 1879.  Narodil se v Německu v roce 1879. He is known for his "Theory of Relativity."   Je známý svou teorií relativity. He hated school.   Nesnášel školu. His teachers thought he wasn't very clever and he left school at the age of 15.  Jeho učitelé si mysleli, že není příliš chytrý, a tak opustil školu v 15 letech. When he was 23 he moved to Switzerland and got a job in a patent office.  Když mu bylo 23, přestěhoval se do Švýcarska a dostal práci na patentovém úřadě.  In 1914 he returned to Germany and became a professor at a university in Berlin  where he developed new ideas about time, space  and atoms.  V…
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The Olympic Games are a big international sports event. Athletes from many countries come together to compete. The Olympics happen every four years, with the Summer and Winter Games taking turns. The Summer Games have sports like swimming, running, and gymnastics. The Winter Games include sports like skiing, ice skating, and snowboarding. In all, there are 32 sports at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. The history of the Olympics goes back to ancient Greece. The first Olympic games took place nearly 3 thousand years ago in 776 BC. The first modern Olympics were held in 1896 in Athens, Greece. Since then, they have grown to include many more sports and athletes. The Olympic Games promote peace and unity. They bring people from all over the world together. The symbol of…
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Karen Lopez, a nurse from Orlando, works on a large cruise ship in the Caribbean. She spends seven days on the ship, then has a week off. There are three nurses on board, but they never work together. Karen prefers working at night. She usually works night shifts. Health problems on the ship are rare, but sometimes people get seasick when the weather is bad. The nurses also look after other workers on the ship, like chefs and dancers. Karen says it's like working in a big hotel. She enjoys her job but admits it's tiring. When she's not working, she helps her husband in their hairdressing salon and plays tennis with him. PŘEKLAD Karen Lopezová, zdravotní sestra z Orlanda, pracuje na velké výletní lodi v Karibiku. Na lodi tráví…
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